Quartet of short poems No. 4

A lampblack cat: the protagonist of this quartet of short poems!

This quartet of short poems is based on a standard three-verse structure (similar to that of a haiku), which, however, is of the “free” type, not bound to a set number of syllables. The theme is always existential and based on the observation of more or less insignificant details that, within the poetic fabric, acquire an ever-new dignity charged with semantic values.

A drop goes up the crystal of a glass.
It freezes still on the dim, bare edge.
The indigo silence of a supernova is grave.

Mosaics suspended between fingers of ivory
Of the last fairy. An incomplete fable
gets lost in the plots of a pearly sleep.

A lampblack cat winces uncertainly
At the edge of the driveway. Thus, the late clouds,
And every heart placed among the useless gifts.

Volutes of smoke, like domes, to support
the weight of the gods. In the pond,
a goldfish celebrates its reign.

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Short literary note on short poems

Short poems have a rich history in the world’s various cultures, and each culture contributes unique styles and forms to the genre. In Japanese literature, haiku is a famous form of short poetry that typically consists of three lines with a structure of 5-7-5 syllables (ed. more, in the original structure). Matsuo Basho is one of the most famous haiku poets, and he is known for his work “The Narrow Road to the Deep North.” In addition, his work “The Old Pond” is a timeless classic, capturing the essence of nature in a nutshell.

In English literature, the sonnet is a famous short poem consisting of 14 lines with a specific rhyme scheme. William Shakespeare is celebrated for his sonnets, particularly Sonnet 18 (“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”). Poets such as Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost have made significant contributions to the genre of short poems, with works such as “Hope is the Thing with Feathers” and “The Road Not Taken,” respectively. Short poems continue to captivate readers around the world with their ability to convey deep emotion and insight in a concise manner.

Woman holding a book of short poems by Emily Dickinson
Short poems have always captured readers’ attention because of their conciseness and the semantic load they can suddenly pour into the reader’s mind.

In Arabic poetry, a qasida is a traditional form of short poems that often praises a patron or expresses love and longing. One of the most famous Arab poets is Al-Mutanabbi, known for his eloquent and powerful verses. The ghazal form of poetry has been popular for centuries, with poets such as Rumi and Hafez known for their emotional depth and spiritual themes. Rumi’s collection of short poems in “Divan-e Shams-e Tabrizi” is considered a masterpiece of Sufi poetry.

In different cultures and periods, short poems have provided poets with a platform to convey deep emotions and observations concisely but impactfully.

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